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About the Farm, Hemp, and CBD Oil

Our mission is to educate  the community about the benefits of hemp and CBD oil


Our Kentucky Farm

We hope to bring joy and healing to the lives of those who choose our products.

Our farmland contains the ideal conditions necessary to grow a crop such as hemp due to its historical significance of tobacco production. Soil nutrients, planting, and harvesting are very similar procedures in both crops.


Much of our hemp is grown on contract for companies requiring oils high in cannabinoids such as CBD, vital amino acids and vitamins which contribute to good health. We work side-by-side with scientists to rigorously test and further our understanding of the hemp plant. Continually testing ensures that our products are clean of dangerous pesticides, molds, and fungus.

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What is Hemp?

Hemp, a variety of the Cannabis Sativa plant, is rapid-growing and high-yield plant that has been grown around the world for centuries. Hemp requires much less water to grow and no pesticides, compared to traditional crops. Considered a “mop crop”, as it grows, hemp breathes in CO2 cleaning the air, removes impurities from the soil, and prevents soil erosion and runoff.


    The hemp plant is also a natural “weed control”. Its dense foliage and height is effective in killing tough farm weeds, which in return lessens the need for harmful herbicides. Hemp is so effective in environmental clean up; it is currently being used in Chernobyl to clean soil and air contaminants from the 1986 nuclear disaster.


 As a crop, almost all of the hemp plant can be utilized- the stalk, the seeds, and the oils. The stalks can be used for a variety of purposes; clothing and textiles, ropes, paper, construction and industrial materials, such as Hemp Crete, and biodegradable plastics.

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Canva - Field of hemp Cannabis Sativa_ed

What is CBD?

There are dozens of cannabinoids, but there are two that are most predominant; Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD is the main chemical found in the hemp plant, while THC is mainly found in hemp’s closest relative, Marijuana. Hemp cannot get you “high”, because it contains virtually no THC.


Cannabinoids are complex chemical compounds that are secreted by the plant that mimic naturally occurring compounds produced by our bodies, called endocannabinoids. When there is an imbalance in these compounds, physiological and physical complications can occur. CBD imitates the missing compounds and creates internal stability.


Unlike THC, which provides a psychoactive effect, CBD has medical effects but does not make people feel “high”. CBD-rich hemp makes it an appealing treatment option for patients seeking to relieve inflammatory, pain, anxiety, Rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, PTSD, epilepsy, depression, Crohn’s disease, migraines, multiple sclerosis, symptoms associated with cancer, and many more ailments.

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